Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Learning Frameworks

The learning frameworks I have researched and linked the use of the technology to are, the Engagement Theory,which emphasises collaboration amongst peers and states that engagement involves active cognitive processes such as problem solving, reasoning, decision making and evaluation. The authors,Kearsley and Shnerderman, state that technology can facilitate engagement in ways that are difficult to achieve in other ways (1998). Learners should be actively involved in practices of inquiry research and design in collaborative groups to design tangible meaningful artifacts. As stated the design e.g. the PowerPoint, the blog and the wiki, is the anchor around which the learning unfolds testing the viability of individual and collective understandings of the project. Authors of the Big 6, another learning framework, believe technology should be used as a tool for communication problem solving organisation (Eisenberg & Berkowitz,2001).

The Dimensions of Learning, is a practical framework that teachers can use to improve the teaching and quality of learning in any content area. In this framework learning involves a complex system of interactive processes that involves five types of thinking ( Marzano & Pickering, 2006). They are:
1. Attitudes and perceptions: effective instruction helps students to have positive attitudes and perceptions about learning
2. Acquire and integrate knowledge: when students learn new knowledge they must learn the model or steps then shape the skill and practice the skill to perfect it.
3. Extend and refine knowledge: students extend and refine their knowledge by making new distinctions clearing up misconceptions and reaching conclusions.
4. Use knowledge meaningfully: students use knowledge to perform meaningful tasks by using 6 reasoning processes to construct tasks: decision making, problem solving invention experimental inquiry investigation and system analysis.
5. Habits of mind: students should develop powerful habits of mind that allow them to think critically think creatively and to self regulate their thinking.
Technology tools can be used for the five thinking processes of the dimensions of learning. Concept mapping can be used for models of acquiring and integrating knowledge, with programs like Bubble Us .com.
Students can extend and refine their knowledge by learning through project based learning that requires problem solving. The technology tools such as the web and websites can be used to research and compare knowledge. It can be used to analyse different perspectives in particular peers through Wiki's and Blogs.

In attitudes and perceptions ( Dimension 1) students must perceive tasks as valuable. Students must be engaged and see tasks as valuable and interesting. ICT's will be one of the engagement strategies but they must also have the ability to facilitate learning. One of strategies that Marzano and Pickering (2006) suggest in engaging students is to allow students choice. For example in assessment tasks, students should be given a choice of the presentation style they are most comfortable that reflects creativity and and innovation.

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